Thursday, January 15, 2015

Dear Cassidy


What a word. What a beautiful concept.
This is a topic I have thought about quite a lot lately. What is hope? How can we have it? And most importantly where would we be without it..

A firm foundation. That's what hope is to me. I have always been a very scared person. I taught myself how to fake confidence and tie myself together on the outside as best I could. I was scared of new relationships, new places, and new experiences. No one wants to be hurt or disappointed right? Ask my friends, I could give advice for days if it meant I didn't have to take it myself.

The other day I sat and thought: where would we be without hope? How dark this world would be.. Happiness would be nonexistent. I have since made it my mission to find the little flicker of hope in all situations because I figured something out. I have the ultimate beacon of hope..I have the example of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. What is a greater example of hope than he!? He overcame all so that we can return to him. Because he is my example, I know there is hope in all things!

So many times I have been beaten to my knees and it can take awhile to find your way back on your feet. But I look up to Christ. He is my beacon of hope. He is my light set on a hill. He is my lighthouse standing tall and immovable.

We can torture ourselves by sitting and thinking about mistakes we've made and trials yet to come. Darling, know that your own mind can be your worst enemy. The ache is very real. There are times when all you want to do is hide and you feel impossibly broken, but I promise if you open your heart and let Christ in you will know true relief. His hands of mercy will pick you up and carry you. Often I feel like I only have a piece of the puzzle. I'm trying to figure out where I fit and what my purpose is. What is the reason for this world? There are so many voices around me all claiming to have the solution. These can be overwhelming thoughts that usually depress me. But this is where you look for the light! The hope. Find that flicker of hope and cling to it!! Reach for Christ and cling to Him!!

It's okay to be scared, to feel weak, and to be broken hearted. There is a way to be healed of those things. Grasp hope firmly and make it your foundation. You will be a happier person! And more importantly, you can share it with others who need it. Having hope will help you avoid contention and provide more opportunities to serve others!

You are never without the opportunity of a new day. Have hope for others. Hope cannot be "measured or counted" you can never have too much.

With all the love in the world,

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