Monday, January 26, 2015

Dear Cassidy,

Today is one of the most wonderful of all days. It's Crystal's birthday! Crystal, the greatest best friend and roommate I could've ever asked for. Since today is her day, I thought I would point out how awesome she is and how she has helped me be a better person in the five years we have been friends.

1. is Kindness. She is one of the most kind and gentle people I have ever come across. She is always thinking of other people's feelings and how she can help them. I have really learned the importance of going the extra mile and to be more considerate of others because of her example! The picture below is not one her her kindest moments though..Shoving cake in someones face is not kind but she thinks she's funny apparently.

2. is to always be Goofy. Laughing is the best medicine and she laughs at everything! When we take life too seriously we miss out on opportunities to see the tiny beautiful things in life. She has taught me how to laugh at myself when I mess up instead of being too hard on myself. She laughs at herself all the time..even when she falls up the stairs. Not down, but up. It's a true talent she possesses. She likes to express her goofiness usually by dancing. I guess now is a good time to thank her for all the embarrassing videos I have of her being weird and for doing the sprinkler on stage at prom senior year. That is the day she became my hero.
The sprinkler has since become her signature move. 

3. Crystal is a genuinely Happy person. She reminds me to look at the bright side and I really should keep track of how many times she tells me "don't look at it like that" as I tend to expect the worst of  most situations. She has a cheery outlook on life and she spreads that wherever she goes and to whoever she talks to. She's even happy in the early hours of the morning........much to my dismay really.

4. Her Faith is inspiring. She knows who her Savior is and because she knows that she knows who she is. She is such a great example to me as she reads her bible and attends church every Sunday. She has reminded me where to turn when I need help or comfort. That is one of the greatest lessons she has helped me with.

5. She is so Friendly that it kills me sometimes haha I am usually an introverted person. I like to stay home and watch movies or read. Crystal is always there to remind me that if I want to keep my friends I should probably leave our house and hang out with them..she becomes friends quickly with anyone and everyone that she meets. She complains that she isn't good at small talk but in reality she's a wizard at it. I need to thank her for basically keeping me socially alive.

6. She doesn't know it but she is an incredibly Brave person. She can hold herself together so well it amazes me. She is very strong and you rarely will see her fall apart (for real reasons anyway, but you turn on a Nicholas Sparks movie and she's done for). She uses her weaknesses as a way to relate to other people so she can help them. She will forget her own problems to help someone else. She is selflessly brave. I hope to be like that one day.

She has many more wonderful characteristics I could talk about but we would be here for days! Like patience; if I talked about how patient she is then I'd have to talk about how impatient I am..bottom line is I have one fantastic human living in the room next to mine. Her future husband will probably have to fight me for her if we're being honest here. I think these are all characteristics we all need to develop fully and I'm grateful for my pretty blue eyed sister who possesses them all! It is a blessing to have a friend like her and be able to celebrate one more year of her life! Happy Birthday to Crystal!

With all the love in the world,


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Dear Cassidy


What a word. What a beautiful concept.
This is a topic I have thought about quite a lot lately. What is hope? How can we have it? And most importantly where would we be without it..

A firm foundation. That's what hope is to me. I have always been a very scared person. I taught myself how to fake confidence and tie myself together on the outside as best I could. I was scared of new relationships, new places, and new experiences. No one wants to be hurt or disappointed right? Ask my friends, I could give advice for days if it meant I didn't have to take it myself.

The other day I sat and thought: where would we be without hope? How dark this world would be.. Happiness would be nonexistent. I have since made it my mission to find the little flicker of hope in all situations because I figured something out. I have the ultimate beacon of hope..I have the example of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. What is a greater example of hope than he!? He overcame all so that we can return to him. Because he is my example, I know there is hope in all things!

So many times I have been beaten to my knees and it can take awhile to find your way back on your feet. But I look up to Christ. He is my beacon of hope. He is my light set on a hill. He is my lighthouse standing tall and immovable.

We can torture ourselves by sitting and thinking about mistakes we've made and trials yet to come. Darling, know that your own mind can be your worst enemy. The ache is very real. There are times when all you want to do is hide and you feel impossibly broken, but I promise if you open your heart and let Christ in you will know true relief. His hands of mercy will pick you up and carry you. Often I feel like I only have a piece of the puzzle. I'm trying to figure out where I fit and what my purpose is. What is the reason for this world? There are so many voices around me all claiming to have the solution. These can be overwhelming thoughts that usually depress me. But this is where you look for the light! The hope. Find that flicker of hope and cling to it!! Reach for Christ and cling to Him!!

It's okay to be scared, to feel weak, and to be broken hearted. There is a way to be healed of those things. Grasp hope firmly and make it your foundation. You will be a happier person! And more importantly, you can share it with others who need it. Having hope will help you avoid contention and provide more opportunities to serve others!

You are never without the opportunity of a new day. Have hope for others. Hope cannot be "measured or counted" you can never have too much.

With all the love in the world,

Monday, January 12, 2015

Hi! Welcome to my blog!
My name is Michaila Lindow and I love to write letters. I am in college and the oldest of five kids. One of those five kids is my sister, Cassidy. She is my other half. She is leaving in October to serve an LDS mission and I couldn't be more proud of her! In the meantime, she and I are split up while I'm in college. My posts will be written sort of as letters to her. That's why I titled my blog Dear Cassidy! 

My mom said "Smile!" So naturally Cass and I shot back with the annoyed face. This is my first time to write  a blog so forgive me if I'm not very good at it! This is where I'll document my life. Lessons I learn, funny stories, and things I want my sister and others to know. I hope you'll come with and help me on my adventure as I embark on my twenties:)